2010년 10월 12일 화요일


My name is Sekyu Kim
32 years old and Live in Seoul Korea.

I worked at Joongang Daily Newspaper until this June.

I establish a company with my colleague.

That is called by 'NURIGMEDIA'.

And It publish the fashion magazine 'YOZO' by the real people.

My majors are Politics and Spainish.
Hola! me llamo Victor!
 I like playing guitar and singing a song.


and travel

Military service is duty in Korea.
And I work in R.O.T.C.
I was first lieutenant and platoon leader.

with my platoons

foremost is me. hahaha

While Ranger training

I think that
the fashion is made

By the real people,
For the real people,
Of the real people.